Pre-service Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Topics

  • Oktay Bektas


This study investigated pre-service science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in the physics, chemistry,
and biology topics. These topics were the light and sound, the physical and chemical changes, and reproduction,
growth, and evolution. Qualitative research design was utilized. Data were collected from 33 pre-service science
teachers (PSTs) by using open-ended questions. Data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis. The
results indicated that some PCTs have sufficient information in terms of knowledge of learners in the abovementioned
topics. Ten PSTs mentioned that students have some misconceptions (e.g. light is a matter) in the
light and sound. In the same way 17 PSTs stated that secondary school students have misconceptions (e.g.
melting of was is a chemical change) in the chemistry topic. Also, seven participant wrote that students have
misconceptions regarding biology topic (e.g. growth and evolution is the same). Moreover, some PSTs did not
have sufficient information regarding instructional strategies and knowledge of assessment in these topics. Many
of them stated that they use traditional instruction to overcome misconceptions on these topics. Likewise, many
of them mentioned that they use open ended questions to determine these misconceptions. Implications for
science teacher education are also presented.


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How to Cite
BEKTAS, Oktay. Pre-service Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Topics. European Journal of Physics Education, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 41-53, feb. 2017. ISSN 1309-7202. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.