Using A Force Concept Inventory Test With Visually Impaired And Blind Students

  • Mustafa Şahin Bulbul Kafkas University
  • Belkıs Garip METU
  • Ömer Faruk Ozdemir METU


This paper reports on a study to determine whether blind students’ conceptualizations of force and motion differ
from sighted students. This is particularly concerned with the question of whether the students’ visual
experiences have any relation to their conceptualizations or misconceptualization about force and motion. The
research was designed as a case study and the data was collected from 6 blind high school students based on
conceptual physics problems related to force and motion. The analysis of the data revealed that although the
blind students’ conceptions about force and motion are not radically different from those of sighted students,
however, there were several conceptual problems that seem to be particular to the blind students because of their
lack of visual experiences. The results revealed that visual experiences do not seem to have a significant role on
the conceptualizations about force and motion.


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How to Cite
BULBUL, Mustafa Şahin; GARIP, Belkıs; OZDEMIR, Ömer Faruk. Using A Force Concept Inventory Test With Visually Impaired And Blind Students. European Journal of Physics Education, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. 20-31, feb. 2017. ISSN 1309-7202. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.