Document Features in Physics Tutorials to Promote College Students’ Use of Argumentation

  • Ozden Sengul Bogazici University


Physics Education Research (PER)” groups have designed new teaching and learning environments to give students opportunities to collaborate with their peers. Traditional problem-solving recitations are found ineffective, and they are replaced with research-based course materials to facilitate authentic group discussions in the physics classrooms. For example, “Tutorials in Introductory Physics” or “Physics by Inquiry” were developed to help students make sense of physics concepts and construct their own knowledge via multiple types of representations and group work. In this study, the author explored how “Tutorials in Physics Sense-making” developed by the University of Maryland help students taking algebra-based introductory physics develop conceptual understanding through use of argumentation in small group discussions. The researcher identified physics tutorials’ features through content analysis to understand how these features were helpful in the use of argumentation. This study was built on the analysis of those tutorials and examples of students’ answers for the subjects of Kinematics and Dynamics.


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How to Cite
SENGUL, Ozden. Document Features in Physics Tutorials to Promote College Students’ Use of Argumentation. European Journal of Physics Education, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 53-65, june 2019. ISSN 1309-7202. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.