How The Laser Helped to Improve the Test of Special Theory of Relativity?

  • Satya Pal Singh


In this paper of I have reviewed the test done for validating the special theory of relativity using masers and lasers in last century. Michelson-Morley did the first experimental verification for the isotropy of space for the propagation of light in 1887. It has an accuracy of 1/100th of a fringe shift. The predicted fringe shift on the basis of propagation of light through ether was 0.4 but Michelson-Morley did not observe any fringe shift and came up with a negative result. Their experiment was repeated with modern and more sophisticated versions using highly monochromatic masers and lasers which have kept any ether drag to the limit of < 1/1000th of the earth’s orbital velocity and validated the isotropy of the space to the extraordinary limit of one part in1015. The necessary discussion on masers, lasers, its properties and applications with brief definition of beats is also given in this paper for the completeness of the discussion apart of the experimental method for validating the constant speed of light in different directions using masers and lasers.


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How to Cite
SINGH, Satya Pal. How The Laser Helped to Improve the Test of Special Theory of Relativity?. European Journal of Physics Education, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 25-38, feb. 2017. ISSN 1309-7202. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 july 2024.
Classroom Physics